This week, Year 9 students, along with Year 10 GCSE Geography and A Level Humanities and Religious Studies students, enjoyed a very interesting presentation from Mark Gifford-Lindsay from Global Action. Global Action is a company, based in Cirencester which specialises in offers learning programmes focused on developing global citizens who are able to affect positive change. One of the ways in which they do this is by running once-in-a-lifetime trips, providing the opportunity to travel to amazing countries, have fun, and learn about global issues in-country, taking learning outside the classroom.
Mr Gifford-Lindsay, spoke to our students about the 2015 Nepalese earthquake, and how Global Action were directly involved in the UN response. He detailed his experiences of what it had been like to be there on the ground, discussing relationships with those affected, and providing a raw and honest account of what happened.
It was a fascinating and eye opening account of the tragedy in Nepal and a beneficial opportunity for students to develop an understanding of world issues that stem from war, famine, climate change and natural disasters. For our GCSE Geography students, it also provided a detailed insight into the crisis, providing them with a firm foundation of knowledge for when it comes to studying the Nepal Earthquake for their tectonic case study.