We are fortunate to have an exceptional and dedicated team of teaching and support staff working across our school.

School Staff

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs Anna Sandford-Squires MA (Cantab) MSc Headteacher
Mr John Lewis BA (Hons) Director of Operations
Mrs Nicola Pope BMus (Hons) MA NPQSL Director of Studies
Ms Alexandra McGowan BA (Hons) Director of Pastoral

Senior Academic Faculties

English Faculty (Including Latin and Classics)
Ms Fiona Clark BA (Hons) Head of English Faculty
Mrs Kate Davidson BA (Hons) English
Mrs Beatrice Harris BA (Hons) English
Mrs Elaine Oxley BA (Hons) English
Dr Anita Ljubic MA, DPhil Latin and Classics Subject Lead
Mrs Caroline Pursey BEd (Hons) Classics, English
Mrs Anna Sandford-Squires MA (Cantab) MSc English
Humanities Faculty (Including Business, Economics, History, Geography and Politics)
Mrs Rachel Cole BA (Hons) Head of Humanities Faculty, Business and Economics
Mr Nicholas Martin MA JP History Subject Lead
Mr Marc Johnson BA (Hons) Business 
Miss Orla Sheehan BSc (Econ) History
Mr Adam Partridge Geography Subject Lead
Mr Jon Howes BA (Hons) MA Geography
Mr Andy Morgan BA (Hons) Politics Subject Lead, History, Geography
Languages Faculty (Including French, Spanish and International)
Mr Robert Chatburn MA Head of Languages Faculty
Mrs Anna Chatburn BA (Hons) French, Spanish
Mrs Caroline Pursey BEd (Hons) French
Mrs Anne Veenstra French Assistant
Mr Domenico Geracitano BA (Hons) Spanish Subject Lead
Mrs Carla Sposato Spanish Assistant
Ms Clare Cody BA (Hons) EAL
Mrs Kate Davidson MA (Cantab) EAL
Mathematics Faculty (Including Computing)
Miss Ellie Jones MMath Mathematics
Mrs Sadie Bunting BSc (Hons) Mathematics
Mr Henry Cole MMath Mathematics
Mrs Kirsten Cox BA (Hons) DipEd MSc (Oxon)  Mathematics
Mrs Nikki Pope BMus (Hons) MA NPQSL Mathematics
Mr Mick Whyte MSc Computing Subject Lead, E-Safety Co-ordinator
Mr Kieran Cooper BSC (Hons) Computing
Mr John Lewis BEd (Hons) Computing
Miss Ellie Brown BSc (Hons) Computing
Expressive Arts Faculty (Including Art, Drama, Music and Photography)
Mrs Mim Monk BA (Hons) Head of Expressive Arts Faculty, Director of Drama
Mrs Nicola Pope BMus (Hons) MA NPQSL Director of Music
Mrs Nicola Dobson BA (Hons) Assistant Director of Music 
Mr Ian Higginson DMus FTCL FLCM FLCM FCCM FVCM Piano/Organ, Music
Mrs Kimberley Pallot BA (Hons) Director of Art
Mrs Catherine Fraser-Tucker BA (Hons) Art
Mr Jon Howes BA (Hons) MA Art
Miss Georgina Dowling Art Technician
Mrs Fiona Crouch MA Music/Drama Technician
Religious Studies Faculty (Including Catholic life, Chaplaincy, PSHE, SRE and Charities)
Mrs Anna Chatburn BA (Hons) Head of Religious Studies Faculty
Mrs Beatrice Harris BA (Hons) Religious Studies
Science Faculty (Including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Technology)
Mrs Katherine Safe BSc (Hons) Head of Science Faculty
Ms Nicola Thornton BSc (Hons) Biology Subject Lead
Mr Marc Wilson Biology
Mr William Ruxton Chemistry Subject Lead
Dr Benjamin Aspey BSc (Hons) MPhil Chemistry
Mrs Kate Bees Psychology Subject Lead
Mrs Julia Watson BEd (Hons) Design & Technology Subject Lead
Mr Jon Howes MA Design & Technology
Mr John Lewis BEd (Hons) Design & Technology
Mr Dave Fielding Design & Technology Technician
Sports Faculty (Including PE, Games, Sports Science and Co-Curricular)
Mr John Bridgens BA (Hons) Head of Sports Faculty
Mrs Fiona Lane BSc (Hons) Head of Girls PE
Miss Alex McGowan BA (Hons) Teacher of PE
Mr Kieran Cooper BSc (Hons) Teacher of PE
Miss Ellie Brown BSc (Hons) Teacher of PE
Miss Brittany Cound Sports Assistant
Mr Isaac Lawrence Sports Assistant
Individual Learning
Miss Lucy Wilkes BE'd (Hons) NASENCO (MA) Head of Individual Learning
Mrs Emma Gilder BA (Hons) QTS, PG Cert (SpLD) Individual Learning
Mrs Ruth Paterson BA(Hons) MSc PGDip PAPAA IL Teacher

Mrs Hannah Buckley BMus (Hons) PGCE (with SEND specialism)  

IL Teacher
Mr Andrew Connor BSc (CertEd) Mathematics Support Teacher
Student Support
Mrs Natasha Newstead BA (Hons) Careers Lead & Advisor, HE & UCAS Co-ordinator
Mrs Julia Watson BEd (Hons) Examinations Officer
Timetable and Options  
Mrs Kirsten Cox BA (Hons) DipEd MSc (Oxon) Timetable and Options
Mrs Victoria Harris BA (Hons), GCGI, MCLIP Librarian


Well-being Team
Pastoral Staff  
Mrs Leanne Huxtable Pastoral & Achievement Co-ordinator, Deputy DSL
Ms Rebecca Forster Well-Being Nurse
Mrs Carolyn Howchin Well-Being Counsellor


CCF and Outdoor Education
CCF & Outdoor Education  
Maj (Retd) E Winfield Combined Cadet Force Commander
2Lt I Jones School Staff Instructor Combined Cadet Force, Duke of Edinburgh Award Manager, Army Section Commander
Plt Off R Garty RAF Section Commander, DofE Assessor
Lt R Watt Army Section Officer
AUO N Risborough Army Section Officer
APO M Eavers RAF Section Officer
Mr A Morgan DofE Assistant Manager
Miss M Till DofE Leader


Support Staff
Miss Kirsten Boardman Headteacher's PA and Registrar
Mrs Karen Bidmead School Secretary
Ms Tanya Phillips Business Administrator
Mrs Katrina Genko Data Manager
Mr Steve Bond Caretaker
Mr Jezz Rutt Swimming Pool Manager
Mr Adrian Grant Minibus Driver
Mr Richard Marriage Minibus Driver
Ms Kerrie Briers Housekeeper
Peripatetic Music Staff
Mr Ian Higginson FTCL FLCM FLCM FCCM FVCM FNSCM, Hon FNMSM Hon FNC Piano and Organ
Ms Jessica Blatchley BMus Hons ALCM Voice
Miss Tessa Frye BSc (Hons) Clarinet, Flute and Saxophone, Wind Ensemble Director
Mr Paul Newman Guitar, Guitar Ensemble Director
Ms Viktoriya Sinitsa Cello
Mr Austin Rose Drums, Percussion Ensemble Director
Mr Philip Storer Brass, Brass Ensemble Director
Mr Jonathan Trim BMus Violin and Viola
Mrs Emily Abbott Speech and Drama
Mrs Pat Hemming Speech and Drama

Please check our vacancies page for details of any current available positions.

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Lower School (Year 7-9)

Lower School (Year 7-9)

Upper School (Year 10 & 11)

Upper School (Year 10 & 11)



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High Performance Learning

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