Lower and Upper School

A full programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is delivered to students throughout their Senior School journey, primarily within PSHE lessons. When students move into Upper School they then engage with a variety of resources to: enhance their awareness of the different post-16 pathways available, understand the impact that particular choices may make upon their futures, and recognise how their skills and abilities may suit specific job roles.

In Year 9 and Year 11 students participate in a Morrisby assessment which is used to create an individual profile highlighting their strengths and potential career direction. The results can then be used to support and inform future decision-making, including the selection of GCSE/A Level subjects. 

All students also have access to Unifrog, an online platform that enables access to a broad range of career choices, as well as information on universities and different levels of apprenticeships where they can research their career ideas further. 

Sixth Form Students

The Careers Lead is regularly available for Sixth Form students to discuss their thoughts and choices regarding what they want to do beyond Sixth Form. There is access to a broad range of information on these different pathways, as well as ICT packages to explore the opportunities available. Students are able to access this information throughout the school day during study periods, break, lunch and after school.

CEIAG provision is also delivered via PSHE lessons and then followed up by the Careers Lead and the UCAS Co-ordinator during assemblies and tutor periods.

University Applications

All Sixth Form students will register with UCAS (University and Colleges Admissions Service) at the end of the Summer Term in Lower Sixth There is a well-structured process for supporting students with university applications (both through UCAS and overseas) and emphasis is placed upon students to take control of their futures early on by being proactive and responsible for their own pathways. The UCAS coordinator is regularly available to advise on university applications. Our recent leaver destinations show the wide range of institutions and courses our students progress on to.

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Lower School (Year 7-9)

Lower School (Year 7-9)

Upper School (Year 10 & 11)

Upper School (Year 10 & 11)

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