On Wednesday, the Maths Faculty held a very special competition for students and staff to commemorate the date of 2/02/2022, otherwise known as ‘Twosday’! To start off, each Form group were set the challenge of working out a series of equations where the arithmetic symbols were removed, and students needed to work out and place them in the questions to make it mathematically correct. They could only use plus, minus, multiply, divide and also brackets, but had to apply BIDMAS when using them, making the task even more mind-bending. House Points were then awarded, depending on the number of correct answers, leading to many enthusiastic smiles as students hastily tried to beat the bell for Period 1 to accurately complete the questions.
Throughout the day, the Maths Faculty had also placed 44 images on doors around the school, each with a unique number where the task was to list all the images (with their numbers) and then match them to create 22 pairs. It was brilliant to see students stopping and working out the cryptic clues between lessons and during break, utilising their skills in mathematical reasoning, problem-solving and teamwork on this innovative scavenger hunt!
Top performers were Sophia U, Amy P, Ignat Z, Bryher M, Amy L and Giorgia P in Year 7 and Freya H, Clemmie C and Jimmy B in Year 11.
Well done to everyone who took part in this challenge and thanks to our Maths Faculty for organising this fantastic activity for our school community to enjoy!