The Maths Faculty have had a very busy week as Year 11 students completed their iGCSE Maths Examinations. They marked the end of the exams by completing a range of maths related challenges, with all students exhibiting a healthy level of good natured competition.
The End of Exam Tournament featured a range of Maths games, Connect Four, Genius Square and the Pingle Ringle Challenge! Students were grouped into 3 teams with every person playing each other at Connect 4 and Genius Square until winners moved on to play winners. The strongest performances came from:
Genius Square:
- Adam J
- Lucy P
- Fergus F
Connect 4:
- Lulu S
- Eliza F
- Dan H
- Lovis J
After these two challenges, each team was split in two for the The Pringle Ringle Challenge, an engineering challenge in which students had to create a ring using only Pringles chips – no tape or glue allowed! With steady hands, students concentrated on being as careful as they could for precise chip placement. The task required students to use their skills in precision, as well as patience, and they also had to make sure no chips broke before finishing the ring. A great way to enforce key HPL themes such as perseverance and collaboration!