This week is Math’s Week England, where the aim is to give young people a positive image of the subject with stories, puzzles, competitions and webinars being released each day this week! Our Maths Faculty have been hard at work, inspiring our students and encouraging them to take part in a whole range of activities.
On Tuesday, during Form Time in Lower School, students were given the challenge of using the digits 3, 4, 5 & 6 with any mathematical operations (including brackets but not indices!) to arrive at a series of totals. They were also set a challenge to find as many words as they could that had horizontal symmetry. Despite the mind-bending task, being able to use the HPL value of creativity and perseverance, students excelled in using their knowledge of Maths to flourish in the tasks.
On Friday, it was the turn of Year 10 students who took part in the ‘Where’s the Math’s in That?’, an exercise linked to Cop26 where students were given the task of enabling them to see the Maths that can be found all around them. Students were asked to investigate where the Maths is in several scenarios such as working out the carbon emissions in popular drinks, the length of time it takes to grow a tree and the ratio of sustainable emissions. Their findings were then made into a poster highlighting everything they had learnt. The exercise was a great way of raising awareness of the many ways in which Maths is embedded in everyday life.
All in all it has been an excellent week filled with lots of exciting challenges, and which are surely going to inspire our students to enjoy this varied and interesting subject!