Despite the grey skies and rain, students across the Senior School had the amazing opportunity to speak to and train with Olympian, Kelly Sotherton MBE today.
Miss Sotherton held a Q&A session with our A Level Sport Science students, and later our GCSE students, discussing the history of the Olympics and Paralympics, as well as the impact of drugs on sport overall. It was fantastic to hear a candid and passionate talk from Miss Sotherton as she discussed the positive impacts of sport events on cities such as Birmingham who are holding the Commonwealth Games in 2022.
Throughout the day, Miss Sotherton worked closely with a number of student groups, holding sprint workshops with the Lower School, as well as Upper School and Sixth Form, teaching students about fundamental movements of running. In a short time, it was great to see students of all ages, improve their movement, efficiency and understanding.
The day ended with a presentation from Kelly to our STEPS (St Edward’s Excellence Programme and Scholars) students about her journey to elite sport. The session gave them the chance to ask questions and see some of her Olympic medals. All agreed that it was a very valuable experience, hearing all about her highly successful career.
It was a wonderful event for students and one that will surely have a profound impact on those wanting to follow in her footsteps on the tracks to Olympic glory!