At the Senior School, to aid our commitment to ensuring that all our students are able to achieve to the highest possible level, we have partnered with Elevate Education, a company which specialises in helping pupils to develop academic techniques to get the best out of their education.
Having already presented to our older students earlier this term, this week it was the turn of our Lower School pupils in Year 7 and 8 to benefit from some hugely useful Elevate seminars.
The focus was on a “Study Skills Kick Start” which introduced them to a range of memory and learning techniques designed to help them as they move through the academic year and beyond.
Through the Elevate programme, along with other initiatives in place in School, our aim is to help our students, right from Year 7, to develop the skills needed for them to learn effectively. This will have a hugely positive effect on their outcomes at Year 11 and in Sixth Form.
The ideas and techniques Elevate pass on are the result of extensive research aimed at establishing the study habits of students who have successfully navigated the academic system at both school and university level.