We are all familiar with manipulated imagery – whether we are aware of it or not.
With the advancement of photo editing technology, everyone has access to the tools needed to manipulate an image, be it to make minor adjustments to your complexion for a social media post, or to completely alter the way an event is represented by adding or removing people or objects.
We have been flooded with ‘Photoshopped’ pictures online and in magazines for years and the use of software to heavily edit images, particularly when altering the human form, has been the topic of recent debate.
In their IT lessons, Year 9 have been examining the use of image manipulation and learning to use Adobe Photoshop, the most widely used example of this software, themselves.
An awareness of the possibilities of programmes such as Photoshop not only help students to develop healthy perspective when it comes to the images they see online, but also gives them an opportunity to explore artistic and technical skill in an area that can be hugely beneficial in the workplace of the future.
In their latest task, Year 9 were asked to use their newly gained knowledge of ‘Layers’, ‘Cut-outs’, ‘Brush tools’ and ‘fx’, to design a book cover.
They all chose a book that they had read and set about creating an alternative cover design. The students were asked to compile a collection of images, which they would then manipulate to look like one cohesive image. Points were awarded for general design, use of tools and text, and quality of result.
A plethora of impressive submissions were received by Mr Andrews, who had great trouble whittling the covers down to a short-list. Three winners were eventually chosen, and these designs are displayed in the library inside the dust covers of their respective tome. The winners also each received a design-focused book aimed at encouraging their budding talent.