St Edward’s Senior & Sixth Form is proud to be part of the
Cheltenham Education Partnership (CEP) an equal partnership of secondary schools (from both the maintained and Independent sectors) and local organisations and charities.
The driving ambition of the Partnership is to expand the horizons of young people in Cheltenham and to help them realise their full potential.
One of the CEP projects our students are participating in at the moment is called “Manifesto for Change”, where groups of students from member schools are considering ‘How should education change in response to lessons learned from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic?’
Representatives from each participating school are currently in the process of carrying out research, following which there will be an opportunity for them to engage in debate with other participants prior to the manifesto being produced.
This week our students were preparing for a workshop which is due to take place later this month, where they will have the opportunity to put questions to Lucy Crehan the writer of ‘Cleverlands: The secrets behind the success of the world’s education super powers’. The book follows one teacher’s journey (Lucy herself) across five high performing education systems in Finland, Singapore, Shanghai and Canada. This engaging read offers valuable insight for the students who are finding the book a great source of inspiration for further research.