During October half-term, students from Years 10 & 11 took part in assessment expedition for their Bronze and Silver DofE Awards.
The Bronze group embarked on a walking-based expedition in the Cotswolds. This three-day event consisted of navigational training and the production of a route card which was then used to assist the groups on their two-day walk. On the first day the groups had a staff member walking with them to help with the finer details of navigation and assist in map interpretation.
On the second day, the groups walked a different route, this time on their own. They were met at pre-arranged check points by the staff.
Our Silver entrants were due to take part in an open canoe-based expedition during the summer holidays but, due to the first national lockdown, this could not take place. To minimise the disruption to their GCSE studies this activity was subsequently exchanged for a walking expedition during October half-term.
After a day of navigation refresher training and route card production, the group moved to the Malvern area for their first day of walking, taking on the Malvern Hills Challenge, long route. This 18km route gave the students ample opportunity to put into practise some more advanced navigational skills such as contouring, feature catching and vertical interval interpretation.
The second day saw the group move to the Pershore & Bredon area where they were confronted by very wet weather during the morning. Having to cope in those kind of conditions really helped to emphasise the importance of accurate navigation and efficient team work. The weather was much kinder in the afternoon, with the students in high spirits they completed the walk in good time and returned to school.
All participants in our Bronze and Silver groups have now completed their Award – a magnificent success!
Bronze Awards
Congratulations to: Harry S, Mia L, Joshua H, Evie M, Henry S, Jonathan C, Annie H, Lara C, Charlotte F-M, Mintesinote L, Lovisa J, Holly B, Alexi B, Charles M, Sara McK, Bethany B.
Silver Awards
Congratulations to: Shaniqua M, Sophie E, Alex R-B, Nino F-G, Oliver J, Henry F, Leon B, Max B, Molly A, Henry W, Pouria S, Oliver M, Oliver R, Adam G