Year 9 Philosophy

Year 9 Philosophy

Since the start of the academic year, all Year 9 students have had a philosophy lesson once a week.

Currently the lessons are taking place virtually, and include the whole year group; making it one of our largest distance learning lessons! Delivered by Headmaster Mr Burke, the students have studied key figures from Greek philosophy, as well as separate groups of philosophers, and are now in the position of putting critical skills into practice.

Before Christmas, each student work group took a group of philosophers and produced marketing materials aimed specifically at that group. The students were also tasked with presenting a citation for the teenager who they think has been the most influential in recent years. They were given a shortlist of five to choose from, with Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai coming out on top of the polls.

This term, the students have begun a project on the ‘Fairtrade’ certification scheme, evaluating how fair it actually is. Again, although working remotely, the students have still been able to exercise their teamworking and presentation skills.  It has been excellent to see them  continue to develop and progress these skills, which will not only help them achieve higher grades in Religious Studies, but will also boost learning across all academic areas and encourage the development of an enquiring mind.

Congratulations to our outstanding Year 9 students.

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Year 9 Philosophy